It is with the greatest regret that I have to announce the death of Kevin Saunders, the Press Officer of the League Against Cruel Sports in the 1990s.
As the Olympics head to London, Mike Huskisson looks at the reaction of the bloodsport minority to the prospect of real sports. Countryside Alliance chairman, Kate Hoey, isn’t a happy bunny.
Jonathan Reynolds, senior research scientist at the shooting industry’s Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, commented: “We don’t know why they [foxes] are getting bigger, but one possible explanation is that they are getting better fed in urban areas.”
On the subject of hunting with hounds, impartiality is rarely a consideration for the BBC, almost every one of their regular reports on hunting leads with the pro-hunt viewpoint with a token quote from a wildlife advocate for ‘balance’.
While three women were shot dead in Peterlee, how many officers were busy policing the hunting ban? The Reverend Pitcher wants to know.
The UK Independence Party (UKIP), a posh version of the BNP, wants to waste £120million of British taxpayers’ money to foot a referendum on fox-hunting.
After being hounded by the media and politicians alike, RBS chief Stephen Hester has reluctantly waived his £963.000 bonus for 2011. It appears that the fox-hunt fanatic isn’t too keen on hunting when he’s the quarry.
On the day much of the media were reporting on the jailing of four thugs who were caught laughing as their dogs tore badgers to pieces, the Shropshire Star found a wildlife site owner who was happy to denigrate badgers.
Laughable if it came from a huntsman but staggeringly it’s from Essex Police
Daily Mail hack Quentin Letts can usually be found getting his knickers in a twist over some nonsense that even Theresa May would be embarrassed to mention. This time it concerns the arrest of ‘middle-class pillars.’
Just as predictable as badger baiters claiming they were only ‘hunting rabbits’ are the articles and letters by James Barrington regurgitating his past.
From ground breaking legal action to farce within just the space of one year, just how did the Countryside Alliance waste £100,000.
John Jackson, head of the Countryside Alliance, has a new inspiration in the form of the late American naturalist Henry David Thoreau
Public discussion concerning the future of hunting in the United Kingdom has centred on the Government’s own commissioned Report of the Burns Inquiry into Hunting with Hounds.
An article by Lord Mancroft, a former Master of Foxhounds, demonstrates the muddled thinking and twisted ethics of the foxhunter.