THE Avon Vale Hunt has denied reports that a pack of their hounds entered people’s gardens where a fox was killed.
The Wiltshire Times received a complaint from Wiltshire residents that hounds belonging to a hunt had entered their gardens last Thursday (January 19) where the animal was killed.
Joint hunt master Mike Smith from Avon Vale Hunt said: “They may have got close to someone’s garden but I don’t know of any actually going on to people’s land.
“We actually started in Brokerswood and went all around that area near the back of Trowbridge and towards Westbury.
“Everywhere we go we make sure we have permission and we must have gone through six different farmers’ land.
“I can’t categorically deny it didn’t happen but as far as I’m aware they haven’t been in anybody’s garden.
“Obviously we would apologise if they got onto someone’s land that they shouldn’t have.”
Did you see anything regarding this last Thursday? If so, email smackley@newswilts.co.uk or call 01249 773642.
Hunt Details
Source: The Westmorland Gazette