Hunting with dogs - Hunting Act 2004

Hunt saboteurs claim Surrey Union Hunt killed a fox

Surrey Police are investigating an incident involving the Surrey Union hunt and a number of saboteurs on 5 January.

Surrey Union Hunt kill fox

A photograph of a dead fox being held up by a saboteur has been posted on the Hunt Saboteurs’ Association (HSA) website, with claims that hounds chased a fox along the A29 and “ripped it apart on the cricket pitch”.

Lee Moon, spokesman for the Hunt Saboteurs Association said: “Foxes are hunted and killed as if the ban never came into effect. By laying a trail through fox habitat, or having an owl in a box, the hunts can kill with impunity.

We have tried to let the law work, but with the police not interested, and a paltry number of cases brought to court, it has to be the time for a return to direct intervention; to no longer put up with the cosy relationship the hunts seem to have with the local constabularies; to make sure the wildlife of this country is safe from the barbarous practices of the past.

Animals are protected from hunts by law, but if the law won’t help them then hunt sabs will have to.”

Hunt Details

Source: H&H